I must have been told by my kids a thousand times, "You never admit when you are wrong! You never say you are sorry!"  I wonder if it is their filtered perception (which is, of course, is their reality), or...
I know, the title's a bit confusing, let me rephrase: I Wish I Was A Grandparent Because I'm A Toddler Mom.  Before you think I'm planning some sort of toddler arranged marriage and stop reading this, let me explain. I LOVE...
Shower? Check. Clothes that aren’t meant for working out? Check. Babysitter? Check. “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t care. Where do you want to go?” Sound familiar? We feel pretty lucky to live in Westchester County, where...
The fire that destroyed my family’s home in September 2018 fortified my bond with my husband and daughter and taught us the value of embracing change. If only just one of us had picked up our daughter from school instead...
My sister and I had a long conversation not too long ago about providing for our children, retirement, and living 'comfortably,' and what all of that will mean financially? We actually talked numbers, how much is enough to live...
As a parent, I’ve always felt confident in myself and in my ability to make the choices best suited for each of my kids. I’ve never been one to seek approval for my parenting decisions and have always treated...
Oh, the daily adulting life. Rise and shine early in the morning hours, make breakfast, rush kids to the bus or school, go to work, come home, cook dinner, shower, and maybe a bit of relaxation...and then sleep. Then...
I won’t bore you with the details of our love story, but my husband and I met when we were 23. We were both freshly out of college, and I was in the trenches of my first year teaching...
I think all of us moms can agree on this...the role a mother plays in the lives of her children is very crucial and far-reaching at any and every age. But I didn’t realize just how far until recently, even...
I have a confession. Though I’ve been ‘momming” for almost 10 years, a lot of the time I have no idea what I am doing. Do you feel this way too? Please tell me you feel this way; otherwise,...

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In + Around Westchester

A Guide to Daycares, Preschools, Private Schools, & Tutoring Services in...

Education might be the most valuable thing we can provide for our children. With so many options out there, it’s hard to know what...