
Joni Manradge is a wife and a mommy to two littles and lives in lower Westchester County. She loves challenging her body and building the best life possible by focusing on her health and fitness. She loves to lift heavy weights, and loves SoulCycle. She is focused on her weight loss journey. She is also an amateur foodie (read LOVES to go to new and existing food establishments that serve fabulous food) and loves all things wine and champagne. She also loves the outdoors and to sit and listen to the water hit the beach.
Feet walking on a treadmill.

Mommy + Fitness = Effective Mommy

We all know getting workouts done every week is beneficial, right? Right? Working out is something that helps to strengthen our bodies physically and our minds mentally. When I am active, I can better handle all...
A woman getting ready for a run in the snow.

Workout Time: Ways to get in Activity During Cold Months

Outdoor activities have dwindled down to a slow drip from the faucet. "It's cold out." It's raining." "It's dark out." "I'm tired." "I have to bring the kids to their activities." "I have to...
grass is always greener

Life: The Grass Is Not Always Greener Across the Street

As a working mom, I always have thoughts about spending enough time with my children. However, I have to work, and so does their dad. I feel guilt every day when I drop my...
moving my body

How Eating Well and Moving My Body Makes Me a Better Mommy

I am a mommy who works full-time, runs a household (with help from the Hubs), and is in the process of changing my health habits to release my excess weight. I am choosing to...
holiday cards

Holiday Cards – Yay or Nay?

The holidays are upon us. I love this time of year because it signals a time of slowing down (after all of the haste of getting the gifts, attending the company and friend parties/happy...
virtual friends

Mom Friends: Real Life vs. Virtual

I have a confession. Though I’ve been ‘momming” for almost 10 years, a lot of the time I have no idea what I am doing. Do you feel this way too? Please tell me...

Westchester Winter Wonderland – A Family Time Event

Westchester County Moms Blog had the opportunity to visit Westchester’s Winter Wonderland at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla, NY. We witnessed the lighting of the massive Christmas Tree, watched circus acts, and enjoyed the...

Finding an out to Mom Life: Why Time Away Is Necessary

I am going to level with you all. I love to take time away from my family. Everyday. Don’t get me wrong. I love my family with all of my heart and soul. However,...
life now verses then

Becoming Me: My Life 10 Years Ago Versus Now      

My life 10 years ago consisted of just me and the Hubs, work, going out to dinner on the weekends, going out drinking/partying, occasional gym stints (being a cardio bunny, sweat and calorie burn...
stop celebrating Halloween

When Your Kids Decide To Stop Celebrating Halloween

Halloween is an awesome holiday. You get to dress your kids up, take the obligatory “Halloween” pictures, and then go off to visit neighbor’s houses, see the holiday decorations, score some candy, make some...